Monday, January 26, 2015

Assignment 1 - Balance & Symmetry

McKenzie Dempsey
Assignment 1 Balance & Symmetry
27 January 2015

I believe this first assignment (along with the informative exercises) were a great introduction to the course. After Intro to 3D design I was hoping for some more freedom with the shaping of art (in terms of developing a more organic style). Working with magazine paper as a medium was much more difficult than I anticipated it to be, with the most difficult part being the availability of excess black clippings of magazine paper. And even with the experience I gained using an X-acto knife all last semester, I still found it difficult to keep edges rounded and to not tear the paper so that the white under layer was exposed. I expect that as I gain more experience with this medium that the process may become a little less intimidating. Overall, I thought this project was a great beginning to the semester and I look forward to the next challenge ahead.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2