Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Assignment 5 Transparency

McKenzie Dempsey
Assignment 5 Transparency 
24 March 2015

Solution #1- Easy

Solution #2- Difficult

This has been my favorite project to date. The topographical illusions that were created in this project are even stronger than the last, and I believe both solutions look very pleasant. The better solution is probably the second solution simply because of the higher level of difficulty of transitioning from a dark blue to a light pink. Another reason for my satisfaction with this project is that my craftsmanship has improved again - I have a better eye for measuring and a steadier hand when using the X-acto knife, and I think that confidence in using these tools has continued to grow with use of them in every project.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Assignment 4 - Color Interaction

McKenzie Dempsey
Assignment 4 Color Interaction
12 March 2015

1. Bully/Pushover (1 look like 2)

 2. Parent/child

 3. Making friends (2 look like one)

This assignment has really been a great help strengthening my eyes and my awareness of color. For the most part, I really enjoyed experimenting with colors. The most rewarding part of the project was finally finding color combinations whose transformations wowed me. To see the magic take place was definitely fulfilling after all of the time that was spent on this project. My favorite of the three groups (and the most successful I believe) was the bully/pushover exercise. I pushed the purple to two different colors - on the left on pushed the purple towards blue, and on the right I added more purple into the square using the green background. Once again, my greatest struggle was found in my craftsmanship, and seeing as I was limited to one sheet of color aid paper per color, I had to keep working with the mistakes I made (I had difficulty in placement of the backgrounds which I had to keep repealing to line up). I also believe using a t-square would have been a great tool to use to make sure I'm getting 90 degree angles on all of my corners. 

Assignment 3 -Light Intensity

McKenzie Dempsey
Assignment 3 Light Intensity
24 February 2015

Project A

Project B

This project was definitely very enlightening, and I think though it was difficult, the result is worth the work. The most difficult part of the project had to be finding the right shades that weren't tinted too much with other colors. A close second in the level of difficulty was preserving the pieces once they were coated with rubber cement. I need to find a more sure fire way of laying them out so I don't have to try and peel them up again because of misplacement or because a piece has been scuffed up and needs to be replaced. Perhaps if lay out all of the pieces first, take a picture of the work, and then glue everything down at once, they would help preserve the piece.