Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Assignment 7- Vibrating/Disappearing Edges

McKenzie Dempsey
Assignment 7 - Vibrating/ Disappearing Edges
14 April 2015

This project presented a nice challenge for me. The first part of the project, the vibrating edges problem, was the more difficult of the two - it took some time to find colors that were very close in light intensity and saturation. I added the light circle overlay to the bottom left of the design because I feel it added more dimension and movement to the project. The second part, disappearing edges, was fairy easy to find colors for, but wasn't as easy to complete. The last time I used this design I used black magazine paper, which was a lot easier to cut curves and bends using an X-acto knife. However if I could go back I maybe would have used different designs. With work and school I felt crunched for time and rather would have spent my class time towards the effectiveness of the edges rather the design that encompassed them. It is fun, though, to see these same designs in so many formats and to compare there effectiveness in each project.

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